
The Regulation and its amendments

Regulation Order was approved by Council of February 16, 1987, published in the BON of May 8, 1987 (No. 57)

The regulation was ratified by the Ministry Order of May 8, 1987, (BOE no. 123, 23 May)

  • The regulation undergoes a series of changes:
  • Table Order of January 19, 1994.
  • Table Order of December 11, 1996: Extension of area, including the municipalities of Azagra, San Adrián, Lerín.
  • Table Order of 2 October APA/2582/2002.

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Regulating Board Regulations

  • Law 25/1970, of the 2nd of December
    Of the Statute of Vineyards, Wine and Alcohol (BOE No. 291 of the 5th of December), which remains valid for Regulating Boards of agro-food products other than wine.
  • Decree 835/1972, of the 23rd of March
    Passing the Regulation of 25/1970. "Statute of Vineyards, Wine and Alcohol" (BOE No. 87 of the 11th of April and correction of errors in BOE No. 182, of the 31st of July).
  • Royal Decree 1945/1983, of the 22nd of June
    Regulating infringements and sanctions regarding consumer rights and agro-food production. (BOE No. 168 of the 15th of July and correction of errors in BOE No. 197 of the 18th of August, No. 250 of the 19th of October and No. 250 of the 19th of October and No. 259 of the 29th of October.)